Housing Justice. Tenant Power.

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    Building grassroots tenant power in Toronto’s Oakwood-Vaughan.

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The Oakwood Vaughan Tenant Union is a membership-based tenant union organizing to build community solidarity in Toronto's Oakwood-Vaughan neighbourhood. We are building a network of tenants that can support each other in fighting overreach, abuse, and harassment in any form from any landlord. We can help tenants organize against evictions, demolitions, and displacement. And we offer support to tenants who want to create tenant associations in their buildings.  

By working together, we can take meaningful action to win municipal and provincial policy change that strengthens tenant rights, protects and expands affordable housing. Together we can work for housing justice. United we are stronger. 

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Organizing for safe, affordable housing

We believe housing is a right and everyone deserves to live in a safe, affordable, and quality home. The most effective way to ensure that we have safe and affordable housing units in the for-profit housing market is to strengthen tenants' rights, regulate developers, and build tenant power.

Strenthening and defending tenant rights

Landlords have a lot of power and wealth. By strengthening tenants' rights, we can level the playing field and win justice for tenants.

A united voice for renters in Oakwood Vaughan

By uniting together, we can advocate for better policies and laws at the municipal and provincial levels.

Send us a Message

Do you have a question about your rights? Would you like to learn more about OVTU? Contact us!

     Moonlight Murals Collective, "Weaving the Future"     

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