
The Oakwood Vaughan Tenant Union is a grassroots organization that relies entirely on community support to fund its activities. We do not and never will receive government or corporate funding. We are deeply appreciative of the support we receive from individual donors. We also welcome financial support from NGOs or unions.

Your donations go directly to helping us defend tenant rights and build tenant power in Oakwood Vaughan and beyond.

Interested in donating? Here is how:

One-time donation through e-transfer:

You can send us an e-transfer to Please put "donation" in the e-transfer message.

One-time donation through PayPal:

To give a one-time donation through PayPal, click below.

Recurring donation through PayPal:

To give a recurring donation through PaylPal, click below. Select "monthly" or "yearly."

Where will your money go?

Donations to OVTU go directly to our operating budget for things like:

  • Printing costs for leaflets and posters that promote tenant rights and tenant solidarity
  • Food at events
  • Honoraria for guest speakers and trainings
  • Translation costs to make our materials more accessible
  • Website hosting costs
  • Room bookings for meetings and community events
  • Art supplies
  • Equipment rentals for rallies and events
  • Transportation costs for transporting equipment and supplies for outreach and actions

Thank you for supporting our work!

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